Action for kids in Liberec

Where with kids? You can go to Jested, but they will definitely enjoy the laser game more!

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Action for kids in Liberec | narozeninova oslava kd
Action for kids in Liberec | narozeninova oslava akdef e1724851599440
Action for kids in Liberec | icon crosshair

Children's birthday party

A party where even grandma will have fun with the kids.

Of course, parents too, and we even highly recommend it! An action-packed birthday and a bunch of happy kids.

Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game deti 1
Action for kids in Liberec | obecne a
Action for kids in Liberec | icon crosshair
Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game laser 301

Playgroup laser tag

School ends, it's time to go to the kids’ club.

A fun afterschool activity in a laser arena? Sure! Get ready for an hour of running around the arena and especially a bunch of friends.

Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game vr 1 e1725026950219
Action for kids in Liberec | dsc06071 komprimace
Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game arkady 88
Action for kids in Liberec | icon crosshair


We entertain children from morning to evening and especially all week long!

Camps full of movement, new friends and especially a busy program from Monday to Friday.

Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game laser 38
Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game 8 compressed
Action for kids in Liberec | 3 komprimace
Action for kids in Liberec | icon crosshair

School trips

No bunking off from school! Well, with a small exception?

Prepare a morning for the children that they will never forget! During the laser tag, we will tire them so much that they will behave obediently.

Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game test3 komprimace
Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game liberec arena 5
Action for kids in Liberec | icon crosshair
Action for kids in Liberec | mercuria laser game laser 40

School league

League in a laser Tag? Sure! Build a team and play for your school!

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