Suburban camp - Mercuria Laser Game Braník

A fantastic laser game camp? Clearly! And all week.

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Information about the camps

Everything you need to know about the camp

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Do we still have time off? He who seeks, usually finds.

Fall camp

The parents have to go to work, and the children will be bored at home, yeah suure…We opened the camp for the autumn holidays so that exactly this would not happen. The arena is ready, the food is provided, and the entertainment is ready. Children will have a great time at our place and will find a bunch of new friends.

This year, all the dates are already behind us. But! But… circle January in your calendar with a big red crayon, because we’re going to write out new dates for the 2025 summer holidays!

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Running, having fun, thinking, three times over and over.

Every day 4 hours laser tag! We start from the very basics and in the process, we get to the most complex game modes. We always intersperse laser tag games with a break for arcade games and board games. A tournament of skills, either in a laser tag or on arcade games, will provide the final boost to healthy competitiveness.

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Well, this is worth it!

Laser tag for days and countless games on arcades, virtual mazes or board games. Food and plenty of drink are a for sure. You certainly don’t have to worry that your youngster will suffer in any way

  • Camp price 3300 CZK

    For a registered sibling or friend
    discount 10%

Camps Braník | mecuria laser game branik bar 10

Do you have a question?
Write, call, send pigeons

If the question reaches us successfully, we will certainly not leave it unanswered. There are many options, but we prefer email or phone

Tereza Kubátová


Most often you are interested in.

Didn’t find the answer? Contact us.

Can I register for the camp if I have never played laser tag?

Certainly! In the beginning, we’ll thoroughly explain the rules, give some tips and tricks, and start from the easiest mods, so there’s nothing to worry about.

Especially laser tag and food (snacks, lunches) + drinks throughout the camp. In addition, all accompanying activities in Mercuria (VR, Pixel, arcade games such as basketball, cars, etc.), trips around the area for ice cream and entry to the Hamr sports complex.

The camp program starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. However, children can be dropped off from 8:15 a.m. and picked up after 5:00 p.m. after prior arrangement.

We have participants between 6-17 years old.

We start from the simplest modes to master game equipment and gradually learn more strategic games. In a whole week, we will manage to learn more than 15 game modes.
Up to 4 hours of laser games will take place every day.

You can easily run over 1km in one laser game. But don’t worry, you’ll be so passionate about the game that you won’t even recognize the kilometers you’ve covered. The vests have a built-in pedometer, so you can track detailed statistics after each game.

Yes, on the last day you can look forward to a big tournament for valuable prizes and there will also be cups and medals.

All you need is sturdy shoes, sports clothes and, above all, a good mood. You can get all other equipment, including refreshments, from us.

You can look forward to fun games, trips to nature, sports afternoons (beach volleyball, possibly badminton in bad weather) and lots of board games. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to try all the accompanying activities in Mercuria Laser Game – virtual reality simulators, Pixel or various arcade machines (basketball, cars, water cannon and many others).

Although we are here at Mercuria Laser Game for every modern technology, cell phones are NOT welcome. Phones will be picked at the beginning of each day and returned only in the evening. They will only be borrowed if you need to call your parents. Of course, parents will also be given a phone number for the organizer so that they can contact their child at any time.

Right on the Branický brewery grounds is located Jez! , that we will be visiting. You don’t have to worry that you won’t like it, because you will be able to choose from 3 types of meals for each day. On Friday, you can look forward to pizza day, where you can choose from 8 types of pizza, and it is not a problem to combine them in different ways.

You get a 10% discount for each sibling or friend.

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Mercuria Blog - ACTION FOR KIDS

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We have great articles where you can learn plus or minus a million ways to entertain children with us.

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